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A free overview of 3 most popular prototyping tools – Figma, Adobe XD and Sketch!

A Comprehensive overview of today’s 3 most popular prototyping tools: Figma, Adobe XD and Sketch. In addition to an overview of each software and a comparison between them, this ebook walks you through various insights that are super-useful to aspiring UX designers when creating a UX prototype. 118 page total.

Table of content

Recent trends
Comparison of 3 tools

  • Pricing
  • Stitching one screen to another
  • Interaction, transition and animation
  • Video support
  • Unique features
  • Running a prototype on mobile
  • Sharing and collaboration
  • Saving files in the cloud vs. local drive
  • Plugins and community
  • User-friendly small details
  • Links
  • Conclusion

A few more insights…

  • Try to visualize what an ideal user experience is
  • A picture is worth a thousand words, a prototype is worth a thousand pictures
  • How to create a low-fidelity prototype in Google Sheets
  • How to simulate an automatic experience in a prototype

Final words
Thank you


Whether you are starting out or in the middle of your UX career, Ryu understands exactly what are the things people consider when deciding which prototyping tool to use. Prototype Resource Map Lite is your best bet if you need help with understanding the types of prototype softwares and services available. This guide can help you decide which one to learn or use by giving a very detailed review of each kind of service and comparing them. From price to compatibility, applications to usability, it will give you an overview of every tool available. For me, who was just starting out in the field of prototyping, it was a great help in deciding what to start with. I hope to learn much more from the other available resources.

Arpit Singla, Toronto